
Cloud Solutions Architect

Cloud Solutions Architect. DevOps Engineer. IT Consultant. Passionate about cloud ☁️ DevOps/Automation 🚀 Kubernetes 🚢 and Terraform. Active Runner 🏃‍♂

My First Hacktoberfest

We all use open source software. Our lives wouldn’t be the same without it. Android OS powers millions of cell phones used daily. Likewise, Linux OS is another example of open source software that countless small and large business depend on to literally run their IT infrastructure. There are entire industries spawned and developed around open source products. It proliferates into all aspects of our society. In the same way, I am a frequent consumer of open source software in my daily personal and professional life.

Four (or so) Podcasts from September You Must Listen

These are few podcast episodes that truly stood out for me over the past few weeks. I thought I would share them as I believe that many will find them informative or entertaining. They are in no particular order. Arrested DevOps Podcast: Don’t Worry, Do Care With Aaron Blohowiak In this episode of Arrested DevOps (ADO) podcast, ADO’s Jessica interviews Aaron Blohowiak, a senior software engineer at Netflix. The discussion covers a variety of topics.

Brief Kubernetes Book Reviews

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had some free time and took the opportunity to read a few books on Kubernetes. Most of these books are available for free online, so would make great reading material for those new to Kubernetes and looking to learn more on the subject. I’ve included links to the online versions where available. Here are some hasty reviews of several of them. Kubernetes: Up and Running Kubernetes: Up and Running is a relatively short book at just above ~250 pages and is a very quick read.

The simplest solution is usually the best

Quote The greatest ideas are the simplest. ― William Golding, Lord of the Flies Design for today’s requirements Any product or application solution should be designed and built to meet today’s business requirements. Do not try to predict the future. Product owners/solution architects/developers sometimes have a habit to over-design the architecture and implement “useful” features. I’ve been guilty of this on a number of occasions. It is very enticing on take on an extra challenge!

Musings on Kubernetes

It has been really busy few months! For a long while, I’ve had a lot of interest in Kubernetes / Docker technologies, and I’ve always kept an eye on the development in that ecosystem. I’ve occasionally played around with some of the tooling, but I never had time to really delve deep into it. Over the past few months, there have been some changes in my work and it shifted its focus on Kubernetes technology.

Azure Global Load Balancing Comparison

Global load-balancing services distribute traffic across applications and endpoints hosted across different regions/geographies. These services route end-user traffic to the available backend based on configurable routing rules. They also feature endpoint monitoring in order to improve high availability and reliability of backend services. Azure offers two global load-balancing services: Azure Traffic Manager and Azure Front Door. Traffic Manager is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that distributes traffic to services across global Azure regions.